In connection with a student project of the Master’s program “Applied Information and Data Science” at the “Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts” (HSLU) a collaboration was established between the Republican Secrets Team and three Students from the HSLU. The idea behind the cooperation was to build something that would enable the Republican Secrets Team to visualize personal interconnections between secret councils.

The Project required the students Remo Kälin, Keith Lawless, and Jorit Studer to build a Data Warehouse and a Data Lake System. They extracted Datapoints from Textfiles of the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS) and made a network analysis. Then they visualized the data with Tabloid. During the project, the students were advised by the Republican Secrets Team on the handling of historical data, their differences, and particularities in comparison with modern data. Today the Republican Secrets Team has access to their visualization, Data Warehouse, and Data Lake System at the GitHub repository.

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