N.n., “Landkarte von den 17. Niederländischen Provincen mitt theils angräntzenden ländern als Frankreich, Köln, und Münster, etc.”, 1674/1725.
This timeline lists a selection of printed works from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries describing the United Provinces of the Netherlands. The chronology is based on the date of the voyage or the first publication of the account.
Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589)
Lodovico Guicciardini: Descritione di M. Lodovico Guicciardini partitio Fiorentino, di tutti I paesi bassi, altrimenti detti Germania inferior. Antwerp: Guglielmo Silvio 1567.
Available online: here.
English translation (1593):
Lodovico Guicciardini: The Description of the Low countreys and of the Provinces thereof, gathered into an Epitome out of the Historie of Lodovico Guichardini. London: Peter Short 1593.
Available online: here.
Petrus Johannes Blok (1855-1929)
Petrus Johannes Blok (Ed.): Relazioni veneziane: Venetiaanse berichten over de Vereenigde Nederlanden van 1600-1795. The Hague: Nijhoff 1909.
Available online: here.
Thomas Coryate (1577-1617)
Thomas Coryate: Coryats Crudities. Reprinted from the Edition of 1611 with his Letters from India. London: William Stansby 1776.
Available online: Volume 1; Volume 2; Volume 3.
Furhter content information:
– Switzerland: Vol. 2: p. 181-293 (Graubünden: 162-181)
– Venice: Vol. 1: p. 196-304, vol. 2: p. 7-76
– Netherlands: Vol. 3: p. 1-91
Fynes Moryson (1566-1630)
Fynes Moryson: An Itinerary written by Fynes Moryson Gent. First in the Latine Tongue, and then translated by him into English. Containing his ten yeeres Travell through the twelve domjnions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Divided into III Parts. London: Johan Beale 1617.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: p. 25-62, 373-423
– Venice: p. 158-223, 424-468
– Genoa: p. 314-373
– Netherlands: p. 89-111, 424-468
– Poland: p. 112-157
Nicolas Bérnard
Nicolas Bénard: Le voyage de Hierusalem et autres lieux de la Terre ste, faict par le Sr Bénard,… ; ensemble son Retour par l’Italie, Suisse, Allemagne, Holande et Flandre, en la tres fleurissante et peuplée ville de Paris. Paris: Moreau 1621.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: p. 601-612
– Venice: p. 561-570
– Netherlands: p. 617-660
– general discours on Italy: p. 589-595
– « Recapitulation generalle de ce que l’Autheur a veu depuis son entree au pays des Suisses » : p. 682-685
Henri II duc de Rohan (1579-1638)
Henri duc de Rohan: De l’intérêst des princes des états de la chrétienté. A Monsieur le cardinal de Richelieu. Dernière édition. Paris: Jouxte la copie imprimée 1639.
Available online: here.
Abraham de Wicquefort (1606-1682)
Abraham de Wicquefort: L’histoire des Provinces-Unies, confirmée & eclaircie par des preuves authentiques. The Hague: T. Johnson 1719.
Available online: here.
Jean-Nicolas de Parival (1605-1669)
Jean-Nicolas de Parival: Les Delices de la Hollande, composés par le Sieur Jean de Parival. Leiden: Pierre Leffen 1651.
Available online: here.
Pieter de la Court (1618-1685)
Pieter de la Court: Interest van Holland ofte Gronden van Hollands-Welvaren. Aangewezen door V.D.H. Amsterdam: Joan. Cyprianus van der Graft 1662.
Available online: here.
Nicolas Payen (1638-1718)
Nicolas Payen: Les voyages de Monsieur Payen. Où sont contenues les descriptions d’Angleterre, de Flandre, de Brabant, d’Holande, de Dennemarc, de Suède, de Pologne, d’Allemagne et d’Italie; où l’on voit les mœurs des nations, leurs maximes & leur politique, la monnoye, la religion, le gouvernement, &les interests de chaque païs. Paris: Estienne Loyson 1663.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Venice: p. 130-152
– Netherlands: p. 19-73
– Poland: p. 111-129
William Aglionby (~1642-1705)
William Aglionby: The Present State of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries. As To The Government, Laws, Forces, Riches, Manners, Cuttomes, Revenue, and Territory, of the Dutch. In Three Books. Collected by W.A. Fellow of the Royal Society. 3 vols. London: John Starkey 1669.
Available online: here.
Sigmund von Birken (1626-1681)
Sigmund von Birken: Hochfürstlicher Brandenburgischer Ulysses. Oder Verlauf der Länder Reise, welche der Durchleuchtigste Fürst und Herr Herr Christian Ernst, Marggraf zu Brandenburg, … Durch Teutschland, Frankreich, Italien und die Niderlande … hochlöblichst verrichtet ; Aus denen mit Fleiß gehaltenen Reis-Diariis zusammengetragen und beschrieben durch Sigmund von Birken. Bayreuth: Johann Gebhard 1669.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: p. 40-45, 47-48
– Venice: p. 165-172
– Genoa: p. 105-106
– Netherlands: p. 185-201
Pieter de la Court (1618-1685)
Pieter de la Court: Aanwysing der heilsame politike gronden en maximen van de republike Holland en West-Vriesland. Leiden, Rotterdam: Hakkens 1669.
Available online: here.
Richard Lassels (~1603-1668)
Richard Lassels: The Voyage of Italy, or A Compleat Journey through Italy. In Two Parts. With Intructions concerning Travel. Never Before Extant. Paris, London: John Starkey 1670.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: Part 1: p. 50-59
– Venice: Part 2: p. 363-426
– Genoa: Part 1: p. 82-102
– Netherlands: Part 1: (p. b2-b4)
Charles Patin (1633-1693)
Charles Patin: Relations hitoriques et curieuses de voyage. En Allemagne, Angleterre, Hollande, Boheme, Suisse, &c. Lyon: Claude Muguet 1674.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: p. 103-135, 247-273
– Netherlands: p. 150-166
Nomen nescio
N.n.: L’affermissement des republiques de Hollande et de Suisse. 1675.
Available online: here.
Pieter Valckenier (1641-1712)
Pieter Valckenier: Das verwirrte Europa. Oder Politische und Historische Beschreibung Der in Europa, fürnehmlich in dem Vereinigten Niederlande und in dessen Nachbarschafft seither dem Jahre 1664. entstandenen und durch die gesuchte allgemeine Monarchie der Frantzosen verursachten blutigen Kriege und leidigen Empörungen nebenst deroselben Ursachen und Gründen. Amsterdam: Jacob von Meurs/Johannes von Someren/Heinrich und Dietrich Boom 1677.
Available online: here.
Gilbert Burnet (1643-1715)
Gilbert Burnet: Burnet’s Travels: Or, a Collection of Letters to the Hon. Robert Boyle … Containing, an Account of what Seem’d Most Remarkable in Travelling Through Switzerland, Italy, Some Parts of Germany, &c. in the Years 1685, and 1686. To which is Added, an Appendix, Containing Some Remarks on Switzerland and Italy. Communicated to the Author by a Person of Quality. London: Ward and Chandler 1738.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
Letters written in Switzerland (Zurich): p. 1-51
(But there are also some letters from Italy that deal with Switzerland; The scan can be searched with the Google Books search function. There are many results for Venice and some for Genoa, Netherlands and Holland).
Claude Jordan (1659-1737)
Claude Jordan: Voyages historiques de l’Europe. Tome V qui comprend tout ce qu’il y a de plus curieux en Hollande & dans le reste des Provinces-Unies. 8 vols. Paris: Nicolas le Gras, vol. 5.
Available online: here.
Nicolas le Clerc
Nicolas le Clerc: Methode facile pour apprendre l’histoire de la republique d’Hollande: depuis son origine jusqu’a present. Paris: Nicolas le Clerc 1701.
Available online: here.
Nomen nescio
N.n.: A New Description of Holland, and the Rest of the United Provinces in General. Containing Their Government, Laws, Religion, ans Strength, Their Customs, Manners and Riches; Their Trade of the Indies, etc. Their Fishery and Bank, with a Particular Account of Amsterdam, Hague, Roterdam, and the other Principal Cities of Holland. London: H. Rhodes 1701.
Available online: here.
Heinrich Ludwig Gude (-1707)
Heinrich Ludwig Gude: Staat der vereinigten Niderländer. Halle (Saale): Renger 1702.
Available online: here.
Alexander Doriack Chancel
Alexander Doriac Chancel: A New Journey Over Europe. From France thro› Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, Flanders, Holland, Denmark, Swedland, Muscovy, Poland, Hungary, Styria, Carinthia, the Venetian Territories, Italy, Naples, Sicily, Genoa, Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain, and Ireland. With Several Observations on the Laws, Religion, and Government, &c. of each. Together With an Account of the Births and Marriages of all the Kings and Princes of Europe from the Year 1650. By a late traveller A. D. Chancel, M.A. London: John Harding 1714.
Available online: here.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: p. 4-13
– Venice: p. 100-105
– Netherlands: p. 27-31 and p. 43-51
– Poland: p. 58-62
J. de Blainville (–1743)
J. de Blainville: Reisebeschreibung durch Holland, Oberdeutschland und die Schweiz besonders aber durch Italien: enthaltend eine Beschreibung von Venedig, dem Wege nach Rom und von Rom selbst mit der umliegenden Gegend. Aus des Verfassers eigener Handschrift in englischer Sprache herausgegeben von Georg Turnbull der Rechte Doktor und Wilhelm Guthrie Ritter, nunmehr in das Deutsche übersetzet und hin und wieder mit Anmerkungen versehen von Johann Tobias Köhler, Professor zu Göttingen und Mitglied der Maynzischen Academie der nützlichen Wissenschaften. Lemgo: Meyer 1764-1766.
Available online:
List of different scans; Volume 1, part 1 and 2 (Lemgo, 1764); Volume 2, part 1 and 2 (Lemgo, 1765); Volume 3, part 1 and 2 (Lemgo 1766).
Further content information:
– Switzerland: Vol. 1.2, p. 351-417
Schaffhausen: 351-355; Zürich: 355-366; Baden: 366-368; Mellingen: 368-369; Aarau: 370; Bern: 371-376; Murten: 378-383; Einsiedeln: 385-387; Fribourg: 387-388; Lausanne: 390-392; Genfersee: 392-394; Solothurn: 397-399; Basel: 399-417
– Venice: Vol. 1.2, p. 519-590; Vol. 2.1, p. 1-150
– Netherlands: Vol. 1.1, p.4-61
John Duran Breval (~1680 – 1738)
John Durant Breval: Remarks on Several Parts of Europe. Relating Chiefly to the History, Antiquities and Geography of Those Countries Through which the Author Has Travel’d; as France, the Low Countries, Lorrain, Alsatia, Germany, Savoy, Tyrol, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Vol. 1 and 2, London: Bernard Lintot 1726.
Available online: Volume 1; Volume 2.
Further content information:
– Switzerland: vol. 2, p. 9-88 (Geneva, Nion, Lausanne, etc.: 9-38; Avanches, Morat, Berne, etc.: 39-88)
– Venice: p. 100-105
– Netherlands: vol. 1, p. 1-121
– Poland: p. 58-62
Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736)
Jean le Clerc: Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas. Amsterdam: Chatelain 1737.
Available online: here.